Our Check-out Report for Locations displays a check-out summary per Location for a given period of time. This report will show you how many check-outs have been completed in each location, how many of those were overdue and how many items were checked out at a specific location during a certain period of time.
In order for this report to be useful, you have to have several different locations set up in Cheqroom.
Enabling the Reporting add-on
Click Settings in the bottom left corner of your screen
Click Add-ons
Scroll down to Reporting
Make sure it's activated
Using your Check-out: Location Overview report
Go to Reports
Go to the Check-out section
Choose Location Overview
Select the timeframe by clicking on the date in the top-right corner:
Add extra filters by clicking on the advanced search icon:
Or filter by custom fields:
Choose to Print or Export your report in the top-right corner:
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