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Share Your Feedback on Cheqroom’s Public Roadmap
Share Your Feedback on Cheqroom’s Public Roadmap

Tell us what you need, we will improve it

Mateus Savaris avatar
Written by Mateus Savaris
Updated over a week ago

We love receiving feedback and feature ideas on Cheqroom's public Roadmap. Over the years, we've launched several features to help you improve your workflow. Some of them came and are still coming from customers' feedback.

Submit a new feature idea

If you think that a feature could improve your workflow and would like to share the idea with us, follow these steps below:

  • Go to and log in to your account.

  • At the bottom left corner, click on the ^ button next to your profile and select 'Give feedback.'

    • Do you want to share your idea quickly? You can also click here.

  • Once on our feature board, click on 'Submit idea.'

  • You can write your idea there. Don't hesitate to share details because the more information we get, the easier it is for us to understand your need and give them the proper priority.

  • Let us know how important this feature would be for you by clicking one of the buttons.

  • Add your email address so we can send you updates about your idea.

  • You are done! Now, our Product team will review your idea and consider how we could make the product better for you. If another user already raised the idea, we would combine it so its priority increase.

Vote for a feature

On our feature board, you can also look at features under consideration, planned, in Beta, and Launched. This is an overview of some ideas we are considering or working on.

A feature gets more priority with more votes, so if you are interested in one of these features, so vote for it!

  • To do this, click on the feature and tell us how important it would be for you.

  • You can tell us more by leaving a message. As mentioned earlier, the more context you provide, the easier it is to improve our product.

  • Add your email address to receive updates.

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