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How to Spotcheck With The Web App

Use the Spotcheck feature to check on the spot if all the equipment in a kit, category, booking or equipment room is accounted for and ready

Mateus Savaris avatar
Written by Mateus Savaris
Updated over 2 years ago

Spotcheck is a fast and efficient way of taking inventory of your equipment.

Think of it as a handy tool for your yearly inventory audit, an easy way to prep reservations or do a quick check of your equipment when you're out on a shoot or event.

In order to use this feature, make sure to configure Spotcheck first. You can do so by going to your Settings then Add-Ons and then Spotcheck from there.

Here we will teach you how to Spotcheck via the web app in a few easy steps.

  • Open your Cheqroom account

  • Navigate to the Spotchecks tab and click New Spotcheck

  • Select a type and click Next

  • Select the actual type of spotcheck and click Create Spotcheck. In the above image, we chose to do a spotcheck on a kit.

  • Here our kit then appears in itemized form. You would now have the option to scan the items via a USB and Bluetooth scanner or select the items manually.

  • Select Close when you are done scanning or selecting items manually. You'll now see your spotcheck page with details.

  • Note that the spotcheck status appears as In Progress. This is because you have the option to finish your spotcheck at a later time, and not only after you start one. This may be useful to you when you're doing a spotcheck at a bigger location or if you need a colleague to continue where you left off.

  • Click Finish to indicate that the spotcheck is done. You will be asked if you'd like to add a comment which is optional.

  • Once completed, you will then receive an overview of your spotcheck. Some things you can expect to see there are:

- The updated Status and if it Finished or Finished With Issues

- Which items were checked and what issues arose (missing, flagged, etc)

- Any additional comments that were added at the end of the spotcheck

- Any attachments

- The actual kit for which the spotcheck was done

- Activity details such as the start and finish time and the participants that

worked on this spotcheck

  • In the example we are using, we simulated that a battery that was in this kit is missing. If something similar happens during your spotcheck, that would be the time you act accordingly. You could flag the item as missing or you could investigate who had it last and contact the person directly to find more info.

  • Now, you can see below that the overview on the Spotchecks Tab will now include the spotcheck we just did.

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