Once an Item or User has been part of a Reservation and/or Check-out in Cheqroom, they become part of the historic data in your Account.ย
That is why you can't delete them anymore, and instead, you will have to Retire (Item) or Archive (User) them.ย
When an Item is retired, it no longer counts towards your account quota.
Removing Items from your Account
Retiring an Item
From the navigation bar, click on Items
Click on the Item you want to retire
Click Actions on the top right, and click Retire
Where to find your Retired Items
From the navigation bar, click on Items
Click on the Item status filter on the left side of the Search Field
Choose Retired
How to bring back Retired Items
Click on a retired item that you have found by filtering on the Retired status
Click Undo retire on the top right
Removing Users from your Account
Please note that you need the right permissions to access and archive users.
Users can always be unarchived afterwards if needed.
Archiving a User
Click Users from the navigation bar
Click on the User you want to archive
Click Actions on the top right, and then click Archive
Where to find your archived Users
Click Users from the navigation bar
Click on the status filter on the left side of the Search Field
Choose Archived
How to bring back archived Users
Click on an archived user that you have found by filtering on the Archived status
Click Unarchive on the top right