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Draft Reservations or Check-outs

An incomplete booking will be saved in Cheqroom as a draft

Mathilde avatar
Written by Mathilde
Updated over a week ago

When you are in the middle of creating a Reservation or Check-out, but don't have the time to actually complete it? No worries: Cheqroom will save your booking as a draft.ย 

Where to find my draft Reservations

  • Go to Reservations

  • Click on the Reservation status list on the left side of the Search Field

  • Choose 'Draft'

*Note: It is important to know that the item(s) you add to a draft reservation, will still be available for other people to reserve or check out. This means that by the time you get back to your draft Reservation, your item(s) might no longer be available.

Where to find my draft Check-outs

  • Go to Check-outs

  • Click on the Check-out status list on the left side of the Search Field

  • Choose 'Draft'

*Note: It is important to know that the item(s) you add to a draft Check-out, will no longer be available for other people to reserve or check out. Make sure you don't have too many draft check-outs set up, so other users get the chance to book the items they need.

Auto-cleanup your draft Reservations & Check-outsย 

To make sure bookings aren't left as a draft indefinitely, you can set up an auto-cleanup:

  • Go to Settings in the bottom left corner of your screen

  • Click Add-ons

  • Scroll down to the Reservation and/or Check-out section

  • Click Settings

  • Scroll down to Delete Reservations? (or Delete Check-outs?)

  • Choose when the auto-cleanup should take place

  • Remember to click Save

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