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πŸŽ₯ Reservation overview

A quick overview of Reservations in Cheqroom

Written by Samia Suys
Updated over a week ago

In Cheqroom, Reservations are bookings of equipment for the future. They help you make sure that the right equipment is available at the right time.Β 

A Reservation must contain at least these vital pieces of information:

  1. From and To dates

  2. A Contact for whom this equipment is reserved

  3. One or more Items and / or Kits

  4. A Location of where the equipment will be checked out (if you have just one location in your account, this location will be filled in automatically).

Reservation Statuses

  1. Draft
    These reservations haven't been fully booked yet -- you're still working on it.

  2. Booked
    The reservation has been made. Your date-range will show the calendar for each piece of equipment as booked (The equipment can still have status Available at this time). When the day of the reservation arrives, the reservation will have to be converted into a check-out or closed.

  3. Closed
    The reservation was completed. This allows you to close reservations that are no longer relevant (without checking out the equipment).Β 

  4. Converted
    The reservation was converted to a check-out. The equipment in the reservation has left in a check-out (and might even already be back).

  5. Overdue
    The reservation should have already been checked-out. Depending on the date range of the reservation, you'll be able to convert the reservation to a check-out, edit it, close it, or cancel it completely

  6. Cancelled
    The reservation was cancelled. The equipment calendars for that date-range will be cleared again, so it can be booked somewhere else.

Archived reservations

You can choose to archive Reservations that are Completed or Cancelled to declutter your workspace.Β 

Auto cleanup of reservations

The auto cleanup of reservations allows you to either cancel, close, archive, or delete reservations automatically.Β 

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