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Generate reports about your equipment usage

Mateus Savaris avatar
Written by Mateus Savaris
Updated over 2 years ago

Cheqroom can process the data of your account and create reports for you. That way, you have more time to do what you love.

Once you are logged in to Cheqroom, go to the ‘Reports’ tab on the left side of your screen.

Our Default Reports

To keep things quick and easy, we created several default reports for you. Here is a list of them based on their category:


  • Depreciation: How much is our equipment currently worth?

  • Flagged items: Which items are currently flagged?

  • History of equipment custody: Which item has been in custody during a certain period of time?

  • History of equipment issues: How often did items get flagged during a certain period of time?

  • Items check-outs over time: What are the busy times during the year?

  • Items location overview: What's the current location of our equipment?

  • Items utilization: How often was your equipment booked?

  • Items utilization in check-outs: How often was your equipment checked out?

  • Items utilization in reservations: How often was your equipment reserved?

  • Items current state: What items are in custody, flagged, checked out, in maintenance, or simply unavailable?

  • Items in custody: Who has long-term custody of which equipment?

  • Items per category: How many items do you have in each category?

  • Return list: Which equipment are you expecting back?

  • Warranty status: When does your gear go out of warranty?


  • Kit utilization in check-outs: How often were your kits checked out?

  • Kit utilization in reservation: How often were your kits reserved?


  • Busiest times for reservations: What are the busiest times in the equipment room?

  • Reservations by label: Which are the most popular labels for reservations?

  • Reservations per category: Which equipment category has been reserved most?

  • Reservations per contact: Who has the most reservations?

  • Reservations per location: Which locations had the most reservations?


  • Busiest times for check-outs: What are the busiest times in the equipment room?

  • Check-outs by label: Which are the most popular labels for check-outs?

  • Check-outs per category: Which equipment category is checked out most?

  • Check-outs per contact: Who has the most check-outs and brings back equipment on time?

  • Check-outs per location: Which locations had the most check-outs?

💡 Extra Tips

To find reports, you can use either the advanced search icon at the top-left corner, sort the reports, or even filter them.

You can add extra filter options to have an even more detailed search result!

Do you really like a report? Click on the stat to add it to your favorites.

Create Custom Report

You haven’t found the report you were looking for? Let's create one based you your custom fields:

  1. On the report page, click on “Create Custom Report”

  2. Choose the report category you want to create between:

    • Items

    • Reservations

    • Checkouts

  3. Select the field on which you want to group your report, and click on create.

  4. Now that your report is created, you can edit the filters, or change the timeframe.

  5. And finally: if you like your report, don't forget to save it.

Save your custom report

Instead of recreating this report every month, you can simply save it:

  1. At the top-right corner of the report, select "Save"

  2. Type the Report's name and description

  3. If you want all users who have access to reports to see it, enable the 'Public' toggle.

Delete you custom report

If you changed your mind and would like to delete this report, here are the steps to follow:

  • At the top-right corner of the report, select "Actions"

  • Click on "Delete"

  • You are done!

Export your reports

Now that you have your report, what about sharing it? You can export your report into an Excel or CSV file:

  • Go on the report you want to export.

  • Click on ‘Actions’ and select “Export”.

  • There, you can select the type of the file (Microsoft Excel or CSV)

  • Depending on the type of report you are using, you will also be able to choose if you want to export all the fields or only the one you selected

  • Once the file is downloaded, you are ready to share.

Reports and permissions

You do not want all your users to see the reports? We got you covered. You can update the users' permission and decide if you want to grant access to different options:

  • Permissions to view reports

  • Permissions to save custom reports

  • Permissions to delete custom reports

To update your custom roles, have a look at our article here.

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