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🎥 Use Custody for long term equipment lend-outs

Use the Custody feature to create Check-outs without a due date

Written by Samia Suys
Updated over a week ago

Item Custody works like an infinite Check-out. It lets you register the equipment you have loaned, to whom you loaned it, without having to select a return date or location. It’s ideal for when you’re lending out equipment for a really short or really long duration.

Enabling the Custody add-on

  • Click Settings in the bottom left corner of your screen

  • Click Add-ons

  • Scroll down to Custody

  • Make sure it's activated

Using Custody

Assigning Custody of a single Item (or Kit)

  • Go to your Items (or Kits), hover over an item or click an Item

  • Click Actions, then click Give or Take custody

Finding all Items in custody

  • Click Items (or Kits)

  • On the left side of the Search field, choose 'In custody':

Finding all Items in custody of a Contact

  • Click Contacts, then click a Contact

  • On the Custody tab, you can see the list of the Items which are in custody:

Finding all Items in your custody 

  • Go to your Dashboard and scroll down

Releasing Custody of an Item

If you brought the item back to the equipment room and want to make it available again, you can release Custody.

  • Go to the item you want to release custody of

  • Click 'Release custody' in the top right corner:

If you have multiple locations set up, you can choose to always have the item returned to the same location when released out of Custody (standard setting), or you can change the Custody settings to have the option to release it at a different location.

If your item is in custody and is marked with a blue circle, it means that, once the item is released, it will be fully available for bookings.

If your item is in custody and is marked with a half-blue circle, it means that, once the item is released, it will be partially available for bookings. You can read more here.


Only users that have the right custody permissions are allowed to give and/or take custody. 

Go to the Roles & Permissions section to see which users are allowed to give / take / transfer custody.

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